Income and Poverty in the Philadelphia Region

The maps below illustrate the wide disparities in wealth and income in the region, and how those disparities have changed over time. Zip codes are shown within Philadelphia, and municipalities in the Pennsylvania and South Jersey suburbs. Click on the map for more details.

Median household income in 2009-13

Median income ranged from $171,689 in Birmingham, Chester County, to only $14,185 in zip code 19133, which encompasses the Fairhill section of Philadelphia.

Percentage change in median household income, 1999 to 2009-13

Median income rose by 65 percent in Philadelphia's Northern Liberties neighborhood, the largest increase in the region. In the suburbs, income rose by 21 percent in Conshohocken, and by over 10 percent in Harrison and nearby municipalities in Gloucester County. Income figures are adjusted to 2013 dollars.

SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-13 American Community Survey

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